The following teams are competing in TRASH Midwest Regionals on
Sunday November 7:
Alcoholics Synonymous (Tulsa)
WUSTL house
Depauw (2 teams 1 buzzer)
It's All Pink on the Inside (Rolla) (1 buzzer)
Columbian Trash Lords (Mizzou A, 1 buzzer)
Evil Closet Monkeys (Mizzou B)
U. of Illinois Springfield
Notre Dame
I've already emailed everyone the pertinent start times (for those of
you wondering that's also the same time GIT will start and
registration is in that same room), and miscellaneous other info. My
question is since we have 3 buzzers brought and 2 from WUSTL we will
need one or two more. Can I get someone from one of these teams not
already providing one to bring a buzzer system? Otherwise it's fun
w/ slap bowl:).
Sean Phillips
TD of TRASH Midwest