Hi everyone, I'm quite sorry that I haven't formally posted an announcement for Penn Bowl. I know a lot of you have been curious, and I won't keep you in suspense any longer. My hope and expectation is that Penn Bowl 14 *will* happen sometime early next year. Samer is on board to help with editing, and we might have a couple of other experienced people to share the load as well. Right now, our problems are two fold though, which are preventing me from making the announcement. First, is the problem of the date. Traditionally, as you all know, Penn Bowl has been held at the end of January. However, the ATC tournaments are taking place on January 29th, and Matt Weiner has asked me to try to avoid the weekends on either end of ATC. So, that leaves us with a slight problem as to when would be best to host it. The other issue is that without Samer physically here, I'm reluctant to make Penn Bowl as big as it has been in years past. My inclination right now is to either have Penn Bowl on January 15th, or in the end of February, two weekends after NAQT Sectionals. I'm probably leaning towards the latter, since we're getting somewhat of a late start on planning this year. Also, my intention is to cap the field at 24 or possibly 32 teams. So here's the important part of my message. If you are interested in coming to Penn Bowl, *PLEASE E-MAIL ME* (nwalters_at_...) and let me know what your preference for the date is, and how many teams you'd like to bring ideally. Any other creative ideas or solutions on how to make Penn Bowl the best it can be this year would also be appreciated. Thank you so much. --Nick Walters, Penn College Bowl
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