Hey everyone,
This is to announce that the University of Arkansas is hosting a
tournament in lovely Fayetteville using the same questions as Yale's
Bulldogs over Broadway. Both of these tournaments are on December 4,
For teams wishing to attend the Fayetteville branch of the
tournament, I'd appreciate it if you'd send in a packet of questions.
For additional teams from the same school/novice teams I'm greatly
reducing/disregarding the packet requirement, so contact me if you
have questions about question requirements. Also, send your packets
to me, since I'll be editing them.
My email is michael . wehrman _at_ yale . edu
Contact Lynn Endicott at Arkansas for other details regarding the
Fayetteville tournament--teams coming, buzzers, fees, etc.
His email is lendico _at_ uark . edu
This is the announcement I made for BOB, containing the packet
Hope to see you in either Fayetteville or New Haven.
Mike Wehrman, Yale
Lynn Endicott, Arkansas