Actually, I've always felt that 'Invitational' was misused. To me, at
least, it implies that the participants have to receive an invitation
from the host, and uninvited teams will not be admitted. I think that
tends to chase away some inexperienced programs. Perhaps the best
solution is to use a term like 'Intercollegiate'?
--- In, suds1000 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> This comment isn't specifically directed at the ATC or anything, but
> it is something that I was reminded of upon seeing the name of their
> tournament. Generally speaking, it's a bad idea to name tournaments
> not open to the general public by using the term "Open", as it is
> misleading. Try to use "Invitational" or something like it to
> indicate that it is intended for college students.
> --Sudheer