Congratulations to "Chicago" A (Paul Litvak, Subash Maddipoti, Seth
Teitler, and Andrew Yaphe), who won the Illinois Open 2004: The
Philosophy of Spite yesterday by defeating Michigan (Zeke
Berdichevsky, Adam Kemezis, Ryan whose last name I can't remember,
and Matt Lafer) in a great finals series. Wesley Matthews finished
third playing solo.
The top five scorers were:
1. Zeke Berdichevsky (Michigan)
2. Wesley Matthews (quasi-Indiana)
3. Andrew Ullsperger (UIUC house team)
4. Seth Kendall (Kentucky)
5. Subash Maddipoti (Chicago A)
We hope everyone enjoyed this event, and Mike should find the time
to put up full stats in a little while.