Since I was getting weird error messages when I emailed interested
parties this info, I thought I'd post it here as well. Sorry if
you've received it multiple times:
Hey everyone,
Sorry if I haven't responded that quickly to your emails the past
as I've been gone/eating. Thanks for your interest in our tournament
on Dec. 4. I thought I'd let you all know how the field is shaping
It looks to be a good one:
Columbia 1
Rutgers 2
Harvard 1
Princeton 1
Brandeis 2
Williams 2
Rutgers-Newark 1
Yale House 2
12 Teams
I think you all know whether or not you sent a packet(s) in (most of
youhave, and thanks, by the way), but if you aren't sure what your
status is, let me know.
Also, let me know if you're planning on bringing buzzers. I'll give
you more concrete info on the tournament time and location when I get
it.It should be pretty standard as far as time and will probably be in
the same building (Harkness Hall aka WLH) our tournaments are usually
See you in a week,
Mike Wehrman, Yale