Hello all,
This is Lynn Endicott, TD down at the Fayettville mirror of Mike's
fine BOB tournament. I've already sent an email out to most of the
teams in my region, but I figured I'd go ahead and post in addition to
that to cover all my bases and catch anyone I might have left out in
the mailing.
Things are shaping up nicely here, too, but I am going to wait to
declare the field until a couple of days into this next week. Right
now we have about 6 or 7 teams, and I want to wait for any last minute
stragglers before I declare the field.
One other bonus for those who come and compete: If technology
cooperates, I will host a "Name that Tune" contest with the theme "Eat
It" somewhere around lunchtime. Prizes TBA.
For those of you who have already gotten in touch with me, I thank you
for making my (and Mike's) job a little easier. The rest of you
slackers who haven't gotten in touch with me, please do ASAP. I'll be
in touch with those attending either through email or on the boards
See you all Saturday,
Lynn Endicott
P.S.: Reach me at lendico at uark dot edu or, if that doesn't work,
try eevilx at yahoo dot com. Ciao, Lynn.