A much fuller post on this will happen on this later, but just to give the highlights:
After two 14-team brackets did round robins, the four teams who made the playoffs were
Chicago A (Selene Koo, Seth Teitler, Andrew Yaphe, David Press); Chicago B (Ian Romain,
Susan Ferrari, Subash Maddipoti; Pericles Abbasi); Rochester A (Fred Bush; Sid
Parmesawan; Micah Elsner; Gordon Arsenoff) and Virginia Commonwealth (Matt Weiner).
After some very close games, Rochester won out in those playoffs and won the
tournament. Chicago B finished second, Chicago A third, VCU fourth.
Matt Weiner led individual scoring with just over 150 PPG. Andrew, Subash, Seth Kendall of
Kentucky and Dan Passner of Brandeis finished out the top five in individuals.
Many warm thanks to all the staff, including numerous visiting moderators and U-M
alumni, for their cheerful and efficient running of the tournament, and also to the many
people who contributed to the editing process. Fuller results will follow.