The UTC Academic Trivia Association will host its sixth annual ACF Detox one-day trash tournament on Sun., Feb. 27, 2005. That's the day after ACF Midsouth Regionals (also at UTC; if you don't have the earlier message and want details on ACF Regionals, let me know.) The tournament is designed to help people shift gears from the academic mode that will prevail Saturday to the popular culture they'll no doubt encounter the following week. TIME & PLACE: To help those with long drives home, we will start earlier on Sun. 2/27: registration at 8:30 AM, announcements at 8:55, and play beginning at 9 AM. Based on past experience, we hope to be at least into the playoffs by 6 PM. Tournament headquarters will be in Holt 124 on the UTC campus. ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open to all interested parties. Teams do not have to have any academic affiliation. If you want to play, and you tell me in time, and you submit a packet or make arrangements otherwise, you're in. If you want to make yourself available as a free agent to join a team -- or if you have a partial team but need free agent help -- let me know and I'll pass the word. FORMAT: 20 questions per round, untimed. Packet submission required unless arranged in advance (see guidelines and timetables below.) Teams will be four players each, with alternates OK as long as there are no substitutions in mid-match. Depending on the number of teams, the format will be round robin or bracketed round robin. This of course means I need to know the number of teams in advance. FEES: Base fee $80 per team; assumes full packet (25 and 25, see below for specs) is submitted by midnight Tue., Feb. 8. Discounts: - $10 if at least 1/2 the team also played in ACF SE Regionals Sat. 2/14; - $5 if only on team member did - $10 for an experienced reader (*or* said reader can join us for dinner at Provino's after ACF Regionals Sat. night 2/26 if they'd prefer) - $5 for a working buzzer - $5 for full-time official status at ACF Regionals 2/27 if you ate with us at Provino's Sat. night; $15 if you weren't able to. Penalties: + $10 for packet submitted after Feb. 8 but before midnight Sun., Feb. 13 + $20 for packet submitted after Feb. 13 but before midnight Sun., Feb. 20 + $30 for no packet at all (must be arranged in advance; open to limited numbers of teams) Minimum fee (even with multiple discounts) $50 per team. PACKETS: To simplify editing of the inevitable numerous duplicates, each packet submitted needs to contain at least 25 tossup and 25 boni. Visual or tactile boni will be accepted if possible; physical challenges and audio questions won't. While we do not wish to constrain the creative bounds of a trash round, here are loose distribution guidelines: Number Category 2 - 4 Movies 2 - 4 TV 2 - 4 Sports 2 - 4 Music 1 - 3 Trashy "literature" 1 - 3 Trashy current events No more than 2 each: Computer games & other computer stuff Comics, comic strips, etc. Food & beverage Toys & gadgets Consumerama Board games Roadside America Anything else you deem trashy enough is fine as long as there are no more than two questions per as-yet-unnamed category. ACCOMMODATIONS: The Clarion Hotel downtown does have a small block of rooms being held with a discount rate of $66/night if you.tell them you're with the UTC quizbowl tournament. The Clarion's number is (423) 756-5150. DIRECTIONS: Come towards downtown Chattanooga on I-24. Take the freeway splitoff labeled US 27 North - Downtown Chattanooga. Follow US 27 North to Exit 1A, 4th St. (Don't worry about which way to turn on 4th St. - it only goes one way.) Follow 4th St.about ½ mile. Shortly after you see the McKenzie (UTC) Arena on your right, 4th St. will bear slightly left and merge with 3rd St. Once you pass the cemetery on your right, turn at the 2nd street to the right, Palmetto St. Go two blocks and turn right on Vine St. Follow it to the last available parking lot on your right before the road is closed. Holt is the building on the far side of the parking lot, not the one with the back door by the dumpster. Tournament HQ will be Holt 124. WHO'S IN CHARGE HERE: Same as it ever was... your tournament director is Charlie Steinhice. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (423) 877-2706 or 504-8255, or by e-mail at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net.
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