UTC has a high school tournament coming up on March 19, the 8th
annual Dennis Haskins Open. As you saw just a few minutes ago, we
also have a trash tournament on Feb. 27, ACF Detox. We are
soliciting freelance contributions for either or both.
For each packet's worth of original questions received two weeks or
more in advance, we will send you two, count 'em two, full
tournaments' worth of practice questions from the overstuffed UTC
archives -- your choice: college academic, high school academic, or
trash. For the math-impaired, that would mean we'd have to have the
trash packets by Sat., Feb. 13, or the high school packets by Sat.,
Mar. 5. If you're interested and need packet specs, please e-mail me
at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net. Thanks.