Hi everyone,
This is an official announcement for Berkeley's Spring 2005 Novice
tournament, to be held March 5.
No packet submission is required; the tournament will use questions
from this year's Illinois Novice set. We intend this to be an
accessible tournament for new players. As such, we are restricting the
field to people with 2 or fewer years of quiz bowl experience at the
collegiate level. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis: if
you desire clarification, please contact the TD.
First team: $90
Second and subsequent teams: $80
Working buzzer system: -$10
To register, please send an email with the number of teams and number
of buzzer systems to the tournament director (Paul Reverdy, email
address reverdy _at_ berkeley . edu) by Friday, February 25, 2005.
We hope to see you there!
Paul Reverdy
TD, Berkeley Novice '05