Congratulations to the Rattlers of Florida A & M University, the 2005
Honda Campus All-Star Challenge champions! For details, see for the playoffs and for info on the entire tournament (move cursor
over "National Championship" and click on "2005 Nationals").
The Final Four were FAMU, Morehouse, Fayetteville State, and Elizabeth
City State. The tournament events included a speech from Ambassador
Andrew Young and a performance by the Bethune-Cookman Symphonic Band.
The final three-game Morehouse/FAMU matches included some of the
finest play I've ever seen, and ranks (imo) with the classic
Tuskegee/Morehouse games of the HCASC tv era (1990-95). And Las Vegas
legend Clint Holmes again demonstrated that he's the master moderator.
BET News had a film crew there. A report may air tonight or tomorrow.
Tom Michael
Moderator, Rube Foster Division