As you know, UTC is hosting the Moon Pie Classic (academic quizbowl)
on Sat., April 23, and the RC Cola Classic (open trash tournament) on
Sun., April 24. By populr demand, we are now accepting open/masters
teams for Division I at the Moon Pie, although they won't be taking
the trophies from the collegiate teams.
Here's what I have on my lists for the two tournaments. Please check
& verify the info is correct, and send me any changes at steinhic
[at] bellsouth [dot] net. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone,
considering the hour...
Auburn 2 (both Div. II)
Central Fla. CC (1 Div. II)
Florida (number and divisions unknown)
Florida State 1 (Div. II)
Georgia Perimeter 1 (Div. II)
Georgia Tech 1-2 (both Div. II)
Kentucky 2 (1 Div. I, 1 Div. II)
Shorter College 1 (Div. II)
UTC 2 (1 Div. I, 1 Div. II)
Valencia CC 1 (Div. II)
?Wallace State CC 1 (Div. II)
Chris Borglum et al. -- open
Georgia Tech alums -- open
Indiana alums -- open
Florida (# unknown)
Georgia Perimeter
Indiana alums
Macon State
Shorter College
?Wallace State