Lyric Doshi of MIT has some slick code for both automated scorekeeping
and instant Swiss Pairs. If you run a tournament in a
wireless-enabled building and can get at least one computer per
gameroom, you should look into that. Off-hand I don't know what the
Terms of Use would be.
I used some spreadsheet macros to quasi-automate the pairings at
NAQT's 2004 HSNCT. For 2005 HSNCT, don't know yet whether we'll use
my code, Lyric's, or some combination. We keep the Team Stat and
Individual Stat processes separate (so that pairings don't have to
wait on the latter), and if I'm not mistaken we've used LiveStat for
individual stats of at least one previous HSNCT. For ICT we've
standardized on SQBS.