The Georgia Tech Academic Team is pleased to announce its third installment of the annual North Avenue Trade School Summer Open III: We Might Have Had Already Been Having a Tournament (NATSSO III: WMHHABHT), to be held on May 21 in the Instructional Center. This year, due to time constraints, the tournament will take on a radically different format from previous years. But all that will come. WHEN & WHERE: The tournament will be held in the Instructional Center, as with past tournaments. Registration will begin at 8:30 with tournament play hopefully beginning by 9:30. The length of the tournament will depend upon the size of the field. FORMAT: The tournament is an open tournament; anyone who wishes to play may play. Due to time constraints, the tournament will be guerilla editted. As such, a CAREFULLY WRITTEN tournament packet following the text formatting of the packets labeled "Round #" here http:// under the "archives" link from NATSSO 2003. The emphasis is on carefully written; if you write a packet and we end up having to swap it out for a house packet in the middle of the tournament, you will incur a $20 penalty. Get it right the first time so we do not have to fix it for you. If you have questions about your packet, feel free to e-mail me. As for the distribution, we will be following the same 25/25 distribution from last year, that is History 5/5 US 2/2 European 1/1 Ancient/World 1/1 Literature 5/5 US/British 2/2 European 1/1 World/Ancient 1/1 Science 5/5 Biology 1/1 Chemistry 1/1 Physics 1/1 Other Science 1/1 Fine Arts 3/3 Painting/Sculpture 1/1 Music 1/1 Social Science 2/2 or 1/1 Geography 1/1 or 2/2 Religion/Myth/Phil. 3/3 Pop Culture 1/1 The subdistributions give the minimum number from those categories to be submitted. In the case where you have the extra questions, write it in the category you feel your weakest tossup in that distribution is in (ie, if your chemistry tossup sucks, write another chemistry tossup). We will replace tossups with extra tossups on the fly. That said, you must also bring enough rounds for the entire field on your own. I will send an e-mail for the number of copies required by the Wednesday of the week of the tournament. COST Because of the really weird formatting, the tournament price is coming to you at bargain basement prices. The base fee is simply a packet and $50, with a $10 buzzer discount (limit one buzzer per team). You will also receive a copy of the tournament questions after the tournament is over (teams bringing a packet are asked to submit a digital copy for our records so that we can post the questions on-line). CONTACT As always, you may contact me with questions regarding the tournament at sdwebb91984 at yahoo dot com. I ask that any team planning on attending RSVP by two weeks in advance; if the field size is not large enough the tournament may get canceled. SURVEY Also, as a side note, if there is enough interest I would also be amenable to running a guerilla editted singles tournament the following Sunday, so if you are interested in playing in a singles tournament, express some interest and I will work out a new announcement for that (the distribution for the packet would be the same as above if you wanted to get a possible head start). Thank you for your time, Stephen Webb President, GTAT
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