To the anonymous poster defiling the name of a civil rights legend: Your rants against HCASC in general, and CBI's relationship and history with the HBCU community in specific, are baseless, juvenile and downright insulting. As a former HCASC Player/National Champion, I find your posts offensive in the extreme. I played "Academic Bowl" in High School, and when I went to college, happened upon HCASC quite by accident. In 1991, I was unaware of "THE CIRCUIT"--if it even existed at that point. I enjoyed playing the game and enjoyed the fellowship of my peers as well. That's a BIG part of what HCASC is about. It's not just intellectual flag-waving and rants about superiority (although THAT DOES HAPPEN, thank you very much); it's about reconnecting with old friends in an environment where you're celebrated for doing something you enjoy. I've had the occasion to talk to CB players, HCASC players and NAQT Players (at CB tournaments). As in life, there are a wide range of personalities in play. There are some HCASC rivals that are as annoying in person as you are in your posts (kudos!). There are some non-HCASC folks that are open-minded enough to accept that everything from CB is not corporate propoganda. And there are some players whose mock frustration at the "inequity" of a totally-funded activity that results in a great time, money for your school AND a double-page advertisement in USA Today bugs the hell out of me. You know what, buddy, I'm not buying what you're selling. HCASC schools have had the choice for years now, and they're not exactly flocking to THE CIRCUIT. There has not been a circuit-playing team that has matched the record of FAMU. Morehouse comes closest, but even they are three championships behind. There's nobody else even close to those two schools and they BOTH ride the bus to get to Orlando... In regards to your utter lack of awareness about Andrew Young, I can only shake my head. It's one thing to be unaware; it's another thing entirely to trumpet that ignorance as some sort of triumph.
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