Hello all, The U of O Trivia Club is proud to announce that we will be hosting a second edition of the Ottawa Hybrid Tournament. For those unfamiliar with the OHT, this is an academic/pop culture "mixed" tournament with questions provided by the participating teams. (For those unfamiliar with the tournament's name, it is named after Ed Broadbent, a Canadian politician who has served for a long time and is very much respected) This year's incarnation of the OHT will be held on March 18th, 2006 at the University of Ottawa. We also hope to have a mirror hosted in BC around the same time. The pricing: *Note: admission is payable in US or Canadian funds, whichever currency the team has. There will be no currency exchange at the tournament. Base price: $70 for the first team from a school, $60 per each additional team. Packet Discounts: They're a great deal, so it's in your interest to take advantage of them and submit questions early. -> -$40 for an acceptable full packet (-$25 for a half) submitted by Saturday, February 18th 2006, 11:59 PM Eastern. -> -$30 for an acceptable full packet (-$20 for a half) submitted by Saturday, February 26th 2006, 11:59 PM Eastern. -> -$15 for a full packet (-$5 for a half) submitted by Saturday, March 4th 2006, 11:59 PM Eastern. If your team doesn't want to write a packet, there's no penalty. It just means you don't get a packet discount. Things that Make the Games Run: -> -$10 for a working buzzer system -> -$10 for a full-time moderator -> -$5 for teams that agree to do rotating moderating (if a team has five or more players) Distance discount: -$10 if all players on a team reside/attend university outside the radius on this map: http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/pics/discountmap.jpg Packet Distribution: It's never too soon to start writing. The guidelines are the same as last year's: Academic: [10 tossups/10 bonuses] -> 2/2 Literature. Try to have variety in the genres, geography, time periods, and forms. -> 2/2 Science. One each of biology, chemistry, physics, and "other". -> 2/2 History. Spread out the geography and time periods. No more than 1/1 on war. -> 2/2 to 3/3 Arts and Humanities. This includes fine arts, religion/mythology/philosophy, linguistics, and geography. -> 1/1 to 2/2 Social Science and Law. This includes political science, economics, sociology, etc. Pop Culture: [10 tossups/10 bonuses] -> 2/2 Television. Spread out the timeframes, networks, and genres. -> 2/2 Film/Musicals. After WWI, please! Spread out the timeframes, cast/crew, and genres. -> 2/2 Music. After WWII, please! Spread out timeframes, artists, and genres. -> 2/2 Sports. At least 3 sports represented. -> 2/2 Other pop culture. Literature, games, Internet, brands, products, etc. Go easy on the sex, drugs, and booze. Your Choice/Other: [4 tossups/4 bonuses] -> general knowledge/"ambiguous" categories, such as business, current events, and high culture. -> You may also repeat academic or pop culture categories, but try to be balanced. Half-Packet Distribution Options: -> 1 tossup/1 bonus for each acadamic and pop culture category, 2/2 of "your choice" -> Full academic distribution and 2/2 of "your choice" -> Full pop culture distribution and 2/2 of "your choice" If you have further questions or are interested in entering a team, contact us at uotrivia_at_.... More information is also available on the U of O Trivia Club's website: http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/OHT06.html Have a great holiday break, and hope to see some of you out here for the tournament! Shauna McNally President, U of O Trivia Présidente, Club trivia de l'université d'Ottawa uotrivia_at_... http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia
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