Thanks to Dan from Princeton for pointing out the error in the post below.
Where it says Febraury 4, it should really say Febraury 11 (as ACF
Regionals is on the 4th and NAQT Sectionals is on the 11th).
I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Also, while I'm at it, we'll be in Jimenez, but look for a more
detailed post after the holidays.
Again, February 11, not the 4th.
--- In, "theblue88s" <Blue_88s_at_h...> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Maryland is hosting NAQT Sectionals for the Mid-Atlantic Region on
> Febraury 4 (it will be a Saturday-only affair).
> Teams interested in registering should send me an email at
> crettere[at]umd[dot]edu / crettere_at_u...
> although if you try to reach me next week I'll be out of the country,
> so you'll have to wait until the end of December to hear back from me
> (I won't have anything more definite concerning discounts/room
> specifics until closer to New Year's anyways).
> We'd like to run separate Div I and Div II brackets, but that'll
> depend on who all registers.
> If you've got any questions, feel free to drop me a line.
> - Casey