Susan Ferrari wrote:
>>SFU hosted the Northwest SCT, explaining their ICT bid.
>Whoops--my mistake. Still, to make my point, take Ottawa in DI
>(11.53ppb, 49th of 66 teams) or, in DII, Queen's (14.26ppb, 59th of
>102) or ULL (14.74ppb, 50th of 102).
Ms. Ferrari:
What's the point of me even going to an SCT, or even having an SCT in my
area, if everyone in our region knows that our S-value's not going to be
anywhere close to getting an ICT bid, under your proposal, no matter who
wins the SCT? Yeah, the other teams that don't win probably won't be
anywhere close to a bid in a weaker sectional such as Canada - East, but
we do deserve a bid nonetheless. I'd also like to point out that Canada
- East *did* put a team into the Division 2 2nd bracket at last year's
ICT and finished above .500, so we aren't exactly pushovers anymore, either.
Maybe NAQT should consider increasing the number of spots in the
Division 2 field, in light of the large increase in Division 2 entries,
rather than taking bids away from teams that happened to win a weaker