As hard as it is for me to believe, Maize Pages
is turning a year old in the coming weeks, and I
couldn't be happier or prouder.
The community has
worked together to make this a
success, but in order
for Maize Pages to continue
to be a viable access
point for teams and
outsiders, that means it has to
have the most
current information available. This
is where you
come in.
What I need, (I am
going to be a little pushy) here is for you to go
<a href= target=new></a>
Take two minutes to check all of your team's
information, see if it is still correct, that
your links
are still working and that the
contacts for next
year are correct. If you have
had elections,
please send those people's
contacts along, with the
knowledge that it will
be a new page that I will be
storing this on
until after nationals.
if you aren't on here, well, why not? Get it to me
That's the whole story here, if you have any
questions, let me know.
Also, if you have future
"retirees" who may be looking to become itinerant
moderators, don't
forget the Moderator Classifieds here at