Congrautions to The Story of O RLY? (Michael Kearney, Chris Hendry, Al
Przygocki, and Meghan Clancy) and Springfield Heights Institute of
Technology (Bryan, Adam, Patrick, Brandon, and Tom of Virginia Tech)
for winning their respective divisions at the 2006 RC Cola Trash
Thanks to all the people who helped make this tournament happen
(including those not listed who have slipped my mind). Thanks to the
University of Maryland team, the Boston U. team, Jason V. Zuffranieri,
Trevor Schultz, Shawn Pickrell, and Craig Barker for their assistance
with the question sets. Thanks to DePauw for swapping packets with
their Duck Bowl tournament. Thanks to house readers Eileen Steinhice
and Ruth Jackson, as well as Nikki Poarch for handling stats, reading,
and whatever else was needed. Thanks to Chris Hendry for providing an
entertaing music round. And of course, thanks to Charlie Steinhice for
handling all the logistics of the event.
Detailed results can be found at until the team gets a
web site up.
Thanks to everyone who came. We hope to see everyone for the 2007 RC
Cola Trash Tournament if not sooner!