[I hope this formatting works on your screens. If not, the announcement <http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3633> is found at http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3633 . ] This is an update regarding registration procedures for the 2007 NSC. The date has officially changed now to Saturday, June 9, and Sunday, June 10, 2007. The host campus is still the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. ENTRY FEES Base fee is $450 per team Buzzer system discount is $25 per fully functional system (minimum of 8 working activators) Automatic qualification discount: -$50 Early payment discount: -$20 for checks postmarked before May 1 Note: Schools who do not qualify for the 2007 NSC for the first time until April 1, 2007 or later may claim the early payment discount until May 15. The automatic qualification discount applies on a per-team, not per-school basis. Specifically, if you are bringing two teams and your A team automatically qualified and your B team did not, then your discount is -$50; if both your A and B teams automatically qualified, then your discount is -$100. All other discounts apply to your school's total fee, after the fees for each individual team have been calculated and summed. Minimum entry fee is $350 per team. A list of teams who have automatically qualified so far may be found at http://www.pace-nsc.org/qualified.html <http://www.pace-nsc.org/qualified.html> or http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3273 <http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3273> . The entry fee will include access to all NSC questions that have been used in the 1998-2006 competitions. On or about May 1, we will release the NSC 2006 question set to teams that pre-registered for the NSC by that time. Requests for the 1998-2005 set can be made to Dr. Chuck. All proceeds go towards projects that PACE supports, including financial sponsorship for the www.hsquizbowl.org <http://www.hsquizbowl.org/> forums, our efforts to generate a quiz bowl handbook, and a summer workshop for question-writing and reading. MAILING ADDRESS Checks should be made payable to Partnership for Academic Competition Excellence or PACE or PACE NSC. Please have all checks delivered care of David Bykowski 9106-B Town and Country Boulevard Ellicott City, MD 21043 AT-LARGE/WILD CARD TEAM REQUESTS (to Dr. Chuck) Wild card applications may be filed at any time between now and May 1, to Dr. Chuck at etchuck_at_... <../../../../hsqbnet/post?postID=t7gGsDjgk_2lMm_Futp3ozbPqHn0YAF2_YD9Yc0\ ioKnoLKinlEDsQD601Np5eoGWjV1s2O8k7Wh7pbw> . Wild card bids filed before April 10 will be evaluated by April 15 in order to allow teams to take advantage of the early registration discount. Wild card bids filed between April 10 and May 1 will also be evaluated, but teams will not be eligible for the early registration discount. Slots will be awarded on a rolling admissions basis. All wild-card requests must include: * Contact information (name of coach/contact, email address, mailing address) * Brief summary of results, including tournaments played, tournament directors' contact information if results are not posted on hsquizbowl.org . * Brief statement on their teams' goals and how participation in the NSC will help towards those ends. (I'm not looking for anything more than a paragraph or two.) * All information requested from automatic-bid teams. AUTOMATIC BIDS (to David Bykowski AND Dr. Chuck) All teams that wish to pre-register and claim their spots for the 2007 NSC need to provide the following: * Contact information (name, email address, mailing address). * Number of teams to be registered. * Rosters of the teams (up to 6): include full name of each player and each coach, year completed by the end of the 2006-07 academic year (9-12), male/female, previous NSC's competed [for accounting of 3rd and 4th year players], and college where your senior members will matriculate. * Number and type of discounts claimed (buzzers) * Names of any additional people who will attend from your group (additional non-playing students, parents, teachers, administrators, etc.). Additional information may be requested at a subsequent date. BENJAMIN COOPER ACADEMIC AMBASSADOR AWARDS (to Patricia Southard) Please contact Patricia Southard at southard_at_... <../../../../hsqbnet/post?postID=bkXEtVU4OL3IJa_wLZ10WNo5g0fOzAG1KuXuCmW\ WzpGQlv3Dql6AAgjv8HeJa96DMQVp8A897Lgaz7qHv5Ot> if you wish to nominate anybody for the Benjamin Cooper Academic Ambassador Award or Young Ambassador Award. The deadline for nominations is April 1 so that an announcement can be made on or around May 1. PACE Late Qualifying Tournaments PACE will be producing a pristeen set of questions for tournaments to be held on April 21, April 28, or May 5 in various regions of the country. This will be the last opportunity to automatically qualify for the 2007 NSC, as well as a chance for teams who are already planning to attend the tournament to get some experience playing on the NSC format. We have arranged for the following locations to host this event, and are seeking additional hosts that may be interested. Brown University Florida State University UCLA University of Texas Virginia Commonwealth University (not yet confirmed) Announcements for these competitions will be made separately under Tournament Announcements <http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=1> on the hsqb board. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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