PACE Late Qualifying Tournaments
PACE will be producing a pristeen set of questions for tournaments to be
held on April 21, April 28, or May 5 in various regions of the country.
This will be the last opportunity for teams to automatically qualify for
the 2007 NSC, as well as a chance for teams who are already planning to
attend the tournament to get some experience playing on the NSC format.
We have arranged for the following locations to host this event, and are
seeking additional hosts that may be interested.
Brown University
Florida State University
University of Texas
Virginia Commonwealth University (not yet confirmed)
The licensing fee for this set is $20 unless other arrangements are made
with Matt Weiner. Proceeds will go to supporting the Quiz Bowl Resource
Center ( and other PACE-supported projects.
Announcements for these competitions will be made separately under
Tournament Announcements
<> on the hsqb board.
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