The University of Oklahoma will be hosting a mirror weekend of Moon
Pie (academic) and RC Cola (trash) April 28th and 29th on the OU
campus. We will be using the following fee structure:
Single Event (either Moon Pie or RC Cola)
Base fee: $75 per team
-$5 per working buzzer system
-$10 per 150 miles traveled (as determined by Mapquest)
$60 minimum
Both events (1 team attending both Moon Pie and RC Cola)
Base fee: $130 per team
-$5 per working buzzer system
-$10 per 150 miles traveled (as determined by Mapquest)
$110 minimum
There are no discounts for subsequent teams entered in the same
competition – the second fee structure is only for schools entering a
team into both competitions. It is not necessary, however, to have the
same people on the team both days.
We will also be willing to issue a discount beyond the minimum for
teams who write packets and turn them in to UTC ahead of time,
contingent upon UTC accepting the packets. Please inform us beforehand
if you choose to do this as well.
To register (or if you have any questions) please contact Emily Duda
at nyktophoros_at_... – registration will be open until Wednesday,
the 25th of April.