Coaches and Players --
NAQT's 2007 SCT and ICT questions and its 2006-2007 invitational
questions (IS #60 through IS #67) are now available for purchase from
our website:
There are still a few tournaments left this year, so teams buying
questions should make sure that they aren't planning on attending any
of those using questions they've ordered. Of course, NAQT will also
double-check orders before shipping them.
NAQT also has Speed Check sets (very short tossups), QuizBusters sets,
Battle of the Brains sets, Quiz Central sets, Quiz Kids sets,
Scholastic Scrimmage sets, and IHSA-style sets that are not (yet)
available for direct purchase through our website. If you are
interested in any of those questions, please contact us at for details.
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC