2007 Maryland Fall Classic Tournament Sunday, September 30, 2007 University of Maryland, College Park: Physics Building ANNOUNCEMENT: The Maryland Academic Quiz Team is pleased to announce the 2007 Maryland Fall Classic Tournament, our annual high school Quiz Bowl tournament based on the It's Academic style of competition. This year's event will be held on Sunday, September 30, 2007 in the Physics Lecture Hall in the Physics Building of the University of Maryland. FORMAT: Each match in this tournament will be broken into five rounds. Conferring will be allowed on all questions and there will not be bouncebacks on any of the questions, meaning if a question is answered incorrectly the other team will not have an opportunity to answer it (this applies to be heads up and team rounds).. Round 1: Letter Round – Teams compete in a heads up all-tossup set of ten short questions based on some common letter in the answers. Questions are worth plus or minus ten points in this round. Round 2: Team Round 1 – Each team is asked eight direct questions on a variety of subjects. Questions are worth twenty points in this round. Answering all eight questions correctly will earn a team a bonus of 20 points. Round 3: Category Round – Teams compete in a heads up-all tossup set of ten short questions based on a common theme such as "This Day In History". Questions are worth plus or minus ten points in this round. Round 4: Team Round 2 – This round is exactly the same as Team Round 1, except that the order that the teams answer questions is reversed. Note that this is slightly different than last year's tournament, since each team round is now worth the same amount of points and there is a mandated order as to which teams go first in the team rounds. Round 5: Grab Bag Round – Teams compete in a heads-up all tossup set of fifteen questions. These questions are slightly longer than the letter and category round questions. Questions are worth plus or minus twenty points in this round. PRICING: +$50 – Base fee per team. -$10 – Automatic discount for each additional team from the same school. -$5 – Discount per school for a working buzzer. -$10 – Discount per school for providing a staff member to moderate / scorekeep. -$5 – Early registration discount for teams that register before September 8th, 2007. Minimum Fee Per Team: $35 The question set will be made available for free to any team attending the tournament. Paper copies will be given out up until the current round being played when the team leaves the tournament, provided that there are enough copies available. Paper copies will be given out in order of registration. Electronic copies will also be sent to teams that request copies. Teams not attending the tournament that wish to purchase questions can do so by contacting tournament director Brittany Clark at bclark3_at_.... Questions will be sold for $15.00 to teams not attending the tournament. REGISTRATION: To register, please contact the tournament director Brittany Clark at bclark3_at_... with the subject line "Fall 2007 High School Tournament Registration". Please include your name, your school's name, how many teams you are bringing, how many buzzers you are bringing, and if you are bringing any moderators to help staff. There is an initial cap of 48 teams for this tournament. This limit will possibly be expanded if there is enough interest. Please register as soon as you are sure if you are coming or not so that we can get a sense of what the field size will be. OTHER: Specific information on parking, lunch, and registration time will be announced as the tournament draws closer. If you are in the DC area and would like to help staff at this tournament, please contact Brittany Clark at bclark3_at_.... Staffers will get a free breakfast, lunch, and discounts to future college level tournaments hosted by the Maryland Academic Quiz Team. Hope to see you in September. Mike Bentley Treasurer, Maryland Academic Quiz Team
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