The Langston University quiz bowl team is proud to announce the Edwin
P. McCabe Scholars Bowl, to be held on October 20, 2007 on Langston`s
main campus. It will be an "A-level" tournament, in NAQT format
The registration fee of $60 per team will also include a light
morning snack (coffee and something to the effect of a honey bun) and
a pizza lunch. There will be a $45 registration fee for each
additional team.
Discounts: $15 for a functioning buzzer system.
$15 for registering before September 15, 2007.
Registration will begin at 8:00 A.M., with game play beginning at
9:00 A.M. We will be using a round robin format, with a seeded,
single-elimination tournament at the end. The game packets will be
available for purchase for a ten dollar charge. We will be using
NAQT packet #71A.
We are located four hours from Kansas City, about four hours from
the heart of Dallas, and about forty miles from downtown Oklahoma
City. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about
anything do not hesitate to contact me.
See you on the hill,
Kyle Gregory
Langston University Quiz Bowl