The Early Fall Tournament II Mirror at William & Mary: Hieronymus BOSCH Appreciation Day (Ballin Outrageous Shiznet the College Hosts) will take place on Saturday, October 6th, 2007 in Williamsburg, VA. Registration will be from 8:30 am to 9:15 am with rounds starting at 9:30 am. We're running a high school division of this as well, so I'll cross post in the appropriate forum. Each division has a field cap of 16 for now, so please, register as soon as possible. The questions for this all are written by Brown, so refer to this ( in case I miss anything. The low question difficulty intended to attract newer players and teams, so we're really hoping that will happen with this tournament. The rules will be standard mACF, so see here Exceptions: halftime substitutions will be allowed and overtime shall consist of three tossups without bonuses (a la NAQT). Depending on the number of teams, we will run some sort of round robin with possible rebracketing, totaling 9 to 11 rounds. After all those prelim rounds are done we will have tiebreaking games for second and third and also have an advantaged finals set. Any second-place team within 2 games of the leader in the standings may contest the finals. The questions for finals/placement tiebreaking are a little harder than the rest in the tournament. Awards will be presented to each division's top three finishing teams and the top scorers after initial prelims. Also, I'll present a very special Neg Champion prize in each division. For the college teams, the overall fee structure is very similar to that used by Brown, and is as follows: $100 base fee per team -$5 per working buzzer system -$10 per moderator/scorekeeper -$10 per 200 miles traveled -$20 for new/reformed teams which did not play in any invitational tournaments last year. For college teams, if you only participated in CBI or HCASC last year you're still eligible for this. +$20 cancellation fee per team for teams cancelled on the Thursday or Friday before the tournament, or that don't show up on Saturday. Minimum fee per team: $60 I will post field updates on our website ( as often as possible when teams sign up. Results will eventually be posted here as well. Teams already saying they're likely to come: VCU UMD - 2+ SVU CNU/JSR CC* W&M House Teams - 1-2 (for those less Virginia-savvy, SVU = Southern Virginia U., CNU - Christopher Newport U., JSR - J. Sergeant Reynolds Community College) The college field will include one or two William & Mary house teams, unless the cap of 16 is reached. These house teams will include only those in our club who have not yet played in a college tournament, so it'll mostly be freshmen. This way we can ensure that we'll have an even number of teams in the field, because if an odd number of teams register, then we'll have one house team, but if an even number register, then we'll have two. If you have any further questions or want to register, email me at mpmorr AT wm DOT edu and I'll send you the full announcement (which includes a couple more details not here). Thanks for reading such a garrulous post. We hope to see you in October, and please remember, avoid hell, or else a giant pocketknife will come out of a pair of ears and slice you... Sincerely Your Tournament Director/Art Critic, Matt Morrison W&M Quizbowl Club Co-President *Since this tournament is geared toward less experienced players, for the most part no master teams with mixed affiliation or with anyone not enrolled at an institution of higher education will be allowed (graduate students are welcome though). I will grant an exception to the mixed affiliation rule on a case-by-case basis, but generally, if you're trying to make a team stronger through a coalition, it won't be allowed, but if it's a case of a player simply not having a team at his/her school or you're trying to scrape together a full team, it will be allowed. In case of this, the new team discount will be determined according to whichever club is paying. Anyway, for CNU/JSR, I've already approved what they plan on doing with their roster; it's a case of a single JSR player not having a team and CNU trying to field a full one at their very first tournament.
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