> I forget which Texas school has those two
terms on their lexicon.
I coined them for what
used to be UT Austin's page. When we went our separate
ways, I got custody of the lexicon and all the other
web pages I'd created. Occasionally, I still add to
the lexicon. Anyway...
> What I am curious
to know is this: how can potentially good college
players be identified in
> high school? What traits
about a good HS player will identify her/him as a
rising star on the
> college level, or as a player
who shows up to a practice or two, never to be seen
I'm not sure one can, mainly because there are so
many factors, most of which can't be predicted and a
lot of which aren't even directly related to
[I'm sure everyone here can come up with dozens of
these, ranging from "How strong is the college's team
already?" to "What if he gets a girlfriend over the
summer?" (adjust as necessary), so I'll leave it at
K. M. Wilcox