-Greetings All as stated before UCI is hosting West Coast regionals
for Trash on November 11th from 9AM to hopefully about 530 PM.
-The rate for playing:
$100 for first team, $90 for second, etc.
$10 discount for Moderators
$10 discount for Buzzers
$10 discount for World Series Of Pop Culture Appearance
$10 discount for Awesome Trashy costume
-Registration for the Tournament will take place in Humanities Hall
231. This is a change from Humanities Hall 178
-There is a possibility that the tournament would be played at USC or
UCLA with UCI staff, but I will let everyone know if that ends up
being the case.
-Teams so far:
Johnathan and friends
Tom Michael and friends
At least one ASU team
If you want to register a team or your free agentness please email me
at marcusaluna_at_...