The major change is that the tournament will be held at UCLA, but will
still be hosted by UCI staff. I hope this change doesn't ruin anyone's
chances of attending regionals. Rooms are still to be be decided.
Payout Structure:
$100 for first team, $90 for the second team etc.
-$10 for each working buzzer brought
-$10 for each moderator
-$10 dollars for any wicked awesome Trash costumes. (By Trash I mean
pop culture related, not Garbage bags or actual Trash)
-$10 if you have been on the World Series of Pop Culture. (Don't try
to lie I've seen every episode.)
Teams so far:
Sterling Gates and friends
Jonathan and friends
Tom Michael and friends
At least one ASU team.
So that means 5 or 6 teams at the moment. We have some more room, so
email me if you want to register your team or free-agentness at
Marcus Luna