TIT XXII Announcement Terrapin Invitational Tournament XXII Saturday, January 19th, 2008 University of Maryland College Park ANNOUNCEMENT: The Maryland Academic Quiz Team is pleased to announce the 22nd annual Terrapin Invitational Tournament for Saturday, January 19th, 2008 to be held at our College Park, MD campus. By reading this message you are "invited" to this "invitational" tournament. This packet-submission "regular season" academic tournament will be using the same questions as the 2008 MLK Tournament being held at the University of Michigan. Also mirroring this tournament is the University of Missouri at Rolla. Any other schools interested in mirroring this tournament should contact Mike Bentley at mike000_at_.... Jonathan Magin will be the head editor for this tournament, and other editors include Charles Meigs, Ray Luo, Andy Kravis, Mike Bentley and Jeremy Eaton. Also look out for a forthcoming announcement of the return of the Chris McCray Tournament for Academic Excellence (a pop culture tournament), which will be held on Sunday, January 20th, 2008. That tournament will be a mirror of the Ann B. Davis tournament at Michigan. PRICING: +$100 - Base Fee -$50 - Packet submitted by Saturday, November 24th. -$25 - Packet submitted by Saturday, December 8th. +$0 - Packet submitted by Saturday, December 22nd. +$50 - Packet submitted by Saturday, December 29th. +$100 - No packet submitted. -$5 - Buzzer discount per school. -$10 - Competent moderator discount per school (can be applied to Chris McCray tournament on Sunday). -$20 - Travel discount per team for coming more than 200 miles one way as judged by Google Maps. +$10 - Formatting penalty for formatting your questions incorrectly (see formatting section below). -$20 - Prize for the best unedited packet received in general, and by the best Division II (first two years play quizbowl) only team. Minimum Fee Per Team: $40. PACKET GUIDELINES: Distribution (26/26): 5/5 History (1/1 US, 1/1 European, 1/1 Ancient, 1/1 World, 1/1 Your Choice [please do not write both of these on the same subject]) 5/5 Literature (1/1 American, 1/1 British, 1/1 European, 1/1 World, and 1/1 Any of the above; try to include at least 1/1 drama, 1/1 novels, and 1/1 poetry) 5/5 Science (1/1 Physics, 1/1 Chemistry, 1/1 Biology, 1/1 Minor Science like Computer Science, Non-Computational Math, Geology, Astronomy, Earth Science, Engineering, etc., 1/1 Your Choice) 1/1 Extra History, Literature, Science (please do not write on the same category for both the tossup and bonus) 3/3 RMP (2/2 Religion and Mythology, 1/1 Philosophy) 3/3 Fine Arts (1/1 Visual Fine Arts like Painting and Sculpture, 1/1 Classical Music, 1/1 Your Choice or other like Architecture, Artistic Film, Dance, Opera or more painting / music.) 2/2 Social Science (Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Linguistics, etc.) 2/2 Your choice (any additional questions above), pop culture, common link, general knowledge, current events, misc. Please vary all your questions by time period, region of the world (when applicable) and genre. Also vary the type of question you ask. For example, do not write 5 literature tossups on 19th century British novelists. A better literature selection would include tossups on authors, works and characters, on American, British, and World literature, and on fiction, drama, and poetry. Difficulty: Please keep your tossups between ACF Fall and ACF Regionals level difficulty (or, at about the difficulty level of last year's Penn Bowl). When in question, err on the easier side. It is not a good idea to explore canon expansion (i.e. writing about things that have never come up at tournaments before) in most of your tossups. Every bonus should have a clear easy, medium and hard part. Almost every team in the tournament should be converting the easy part of the bonus, while a little more than half of the teams should be converting the medium part. The hard part of a bonus should be able to be answered by those with in-depth knowledge in the field, or approximately one quarter of the teams. Question Length: All of the following lengths apply to documents written in Word with 1 inch margins (change these from the default), and a 10 point Times New Roman font. Final tossups will be between 5.5 and 7.5 lines long. However, we'd prefer that you submit tossups on the long side (or even over the 7.5 line limit), since it's always easier for us to get rid of clues that we don't like than to add additional clues by ourselves. Bonus parts should be kept within reason. Do not write extremely lengthy leadins or bonus parts (try to keep them under 2 lines). Also do not write extremely short bonuses or list bonuses, as these are typically not very interesting. The vast majority of your bonuses should be 10-10-10. Please do not write any 30-20-10 bonuses, and avoid bonuses with more than four answer parts. Do not write any 5-10-15 bonuses, since making a single part worth half the bonus is less fair than having three parts worth the same amount of points. Formatting: Here is the general format for your questions. But since the Yahoo board can't properly do formatting, please consult http:// www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=62273 for how the formatting should really work. 1/1 Unfunny Meta Example Questions: The person involved in this event is starting a rumor that it was actually a planned occurrence to get himself mentioned in a meta question in Matt Weiner's canceled Chicago Open trash tournament. Immediately after this event occurred, one person was unable to identify Okazaki Fragments. It was preceded by Jeremy Eaton answering a tossup on time dilation. The person responsible for this event blamed not getting enough sleep the night before and the two hour drive to Richmond, but most of all just plain not paying attention. Occurring in a game against South Carolina at the 2007 VCU Open, it is now immortalized in the YTMND page Nude Descending a Gas Chamber. FTP, identify this action wherein Mike Bentley erroneously answered "The Armory Show" for "Auschwitz". ANSWER: Worst Buzz (also accept Nude Descending a Gas Chamber before mentioned, Mike Bentley's Embarrassing Neg with The Armory Show on the Auschwitz Question at the 2007 Illinois Novice Tournament, and clear knowledge equivalents; do not accept just "Armory Show" or "Auschwitz") Answer the following about a certain comic strip, FTPE. [10] Like Chris Ray, the title character of this Dik Browne comic strip has red hair and a big beard, and is also illiterate and bathes only once a year. ANSWER: Hagar the Horrible [10] Using Wikipedia might erroneously lead you to believe that Hagar the Horrible was based on this play by Henrik Ibsen in which Sigurd defeats Hjördis by killing her sentinel, a white bear. ANSWER: The Vikings at Helgeland [10] If Jonathan Magin had his way, Hagar the Horrible and all other comic strips would be inspired by this Robert Louis Stevenson novel about some Scottish dude and his buried treasure. ANSWER: The Master of Ballantrae DO NOT USE ANY AUTOMATIC WORD FORMATTING EXCEPT FOR SMART QUOTES. Specifically, do not use any indentation or automatic numbering in your packets. Submit all packets in .doc or .rtf format please. If questions are not correctly formatted (at the discretion of the editors), your packet will be returned for you to reformat. If you submit your packet at the deadline and it is rejected for formatting issues, you will be charged a $10 formatting fee (and asked to reformat the packet), but you will not have to pay any additional fees for missing the deadline. Misc.: As with all packet submission tournaments, questions must be blind to all other teams attending the tournament. Specifically, if a school is sending more than one team to the tournament, members of different teams should not know of each others' questions. Please do not plagiarize questions. Do not copy direct passages and phrases from the sources you use to write questions. Additionally, do not write questions directly out of Wikipedia. While Wikipedia can be a useful source in finding preliminary information on a question, we encourage you to use more in-depth, scholarly and peer reviewed sources when writing your questions. Please see various question writing guides such as Jerry's guide for more information on where to find good sources for writing questions. REGISTERING: To register, please contact tournament director Mike Bentley at mike000_at_.... Please indicate how many teams you're brining and what discounts you think you apply for (such as the number of moderators and buzzers you're bringing). For the most part, we'll accept high school, non-affiliated and hybrid teams in additional to traditional college teams, but please contact me first. Details on where the tournament will be held and when specifically registration will be will be announced closer to the date of the tournament. Regards, Mike Bentley and Jonathan Magin Tournament Directors
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