While it seems that most of the quizbowl community retches at the sight of single-elimination, it strikes me as perhaps the best method, especially when you can't afford a full round-robin. So, with that as a preface, here's my alternative. Support or deride as you see fit. FRIDAY NIGHT: Well, we got 42 teams here, so let's divide them into 7 groups of 6. These groups can be formed however NAQT sees fit, with the following two rules ironclad: (A) Each group has a "top seed". (B) Two teams from the same school MUST be kept separate. These groups then play a 5-game RR. That's Friday night, eveyrone's done a round early, hit the bars or the hotels or whatever. SATURDAY MORNING: By this time, the stat gods of NAQT have processed how everyone finished in the RR, noting that only ordinal position (1,2,3,4,5,6) matters. All those with rank 1 are in one group, rank 2 another, etc. So now we have 6 groups of 7, each of which plays a RR. Result: everyone gets more "power-matched" games against their level of teams. Yay. And now, as the players head to lunch, the real fun begins. Each of the teams is ranked 1-7 within their group. This then gives each team a seed. The teams in groups 1 and 2 are seeded 1-7 and 8-14, respectively. The top six teams in group 3 are seeded 15-20. The top five teams in group 4 are seeded 21-25. The top four teams in group 5 are seeded 26-29. The top three teams in group 6 are seeded 30-32. And a big single-elim bracket is filled out as expected. The teams then play the "Swiss pairs single-elim" to fill out slots 1-32. The finals -- and only the finals -- are best-of-three. Meanwhile, the ten other teams are placed in two consolation brackets of five. The first bracket has those teams in groups 3 and 4, plus the highest team in groups 5 and 6, that did not make the single-elim phase. The second bracket has the remaining teams in groups 5 and 6. It's a 5-5 split, and each bracket plays a round-robin for positions 33-37 (first bracket) and 38-42 (second bracket). Everyone plays Playoff Rounds 1-5, then runs to the auditorium to catch game 2 (and maybe game 3) of the final. I'll discuss its advantages (aka Why I Like It) in the next post. Andy Goss
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