Hold on everybody! Before people keep accusing one another of ad hominem attacks, and so forth, take a look at the message. Tom Chuck wrote: "Nothing against you personally R. (or the company), but I think there is a perceived conflict of interest with having listserv addresses for qb, qb-announce, and hs-qb be associated with NAQT. It is analogous to having a pacemaker company underwrite the expenses of a cardiac electrophysiology journal, or a tobacco company underwriting the research on the addictive/non-addictive nature of nicotine. I think that the Yahoo club or the very little-used egroup club ought to suffice for the moment for qb and qb-announce. There is a HS-QB group on egroups.com "Brain Bowl IIRC", but I suppose if there is enough clamor for an emailing group, we should establish one. But it must be perceived as independent and not affiliated as much as possible." Note that *nowhere* is he attacking R. He is merely commenting on the notion that having a commercial entity, such as naqt.com, as the domain name, might appear partial towards NAQT. It would be the same thing as having "qb_at_...," or what have you. The compromise of using the name "quizbowl.org" has been floating around. While it is owned by at least R. and possibly NAQT, using a ".org" host (and more so, a ".edu" host) is preferable to a ".com" host. This is especially true when the list in question is intended for non-commercial purposes. So, is it possible to end the endless arguments on both sides and, if it is feasible to do so, use a ".org" site as the domain for the qb lists?
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