Hey. It's senioritis. Besides, it's all about
psychological and physiological endurance. Lay off the
caffeine, and eat mucho fruits and fruit juices. Bananas,
Have a good spaghetti dinner Tuesday or Wednesday
Don't eat too much at the Cracker Barrel after you last
game on Friday.
Don't watch too many matches on
your off time, and don't get too involved in guessing
the answers when you're watching them.
DO go
out of your way and chat with some of the players
from teams from different parts of the state. You'll
probably never see a lot of these people again. Don't just
tron out on the video games, either.
And don't
eat cookies or sweets between matches, only perhaps a
candy bar beforehand on Sunday's matches, and even then
beware that sugar highs fade away pretty quickly.
Anything else???