>OK the ratio of women to men discussion is
>definitely both the dumbest and most sexist >discussion
I've seen on this board.
I agree that it's
dumb; I'm not sure on how it is sexist. I, for one,
could care less who I play as far as their gender,
trans-sexual status, green skin color or whatever. In other
words, I'm not interested in the diversity of teams, I
am interested in the quality of the questions and
making this game available to anyone who wants to play.
Of course, if someone cares about the diversity of
qb players and is the kind of ultra-left-wing
sexist/racist who thinks that certain kinds of questions will
attract "underrepresented" biological/ethnic groupings,
then I would suggest that ACF (which I am a partisan
for) will give you the best odds for expanding the
Nathan Freeburg (Please note that I am not attacking
anyone specifically and did not even have anyone
specifically in mind when I wrote the above).