Why is A-flat major the most beautiful key
signature in music? Indeed, is it the most beautiful key
signature in music? If not, what is? Does the question make
I was thinking about music tonight and suddenly
remembered one of my idiosyncracies from high school. Upon
further reflection, as strange as it sounds, I stand by
my assessment, despite being unable at the moment to
give examples of songs that justify my view.
there anything in psychology or physics that might
explain this phenomenon? In extremely pure music theory,
I suppose the nature of transposition means that no
key ought intrinsically to be better than any other.
And yet... A-flat is dark. A-flat is mellow. A-flat
is just so *rich*. It resonates with me.
thought I'd pose this theory to a group of people
(actually, exactly two separate groups, but that's neither
here nor there) who are well-educated and might have
strong opinions on it. My apologies if it's too