OK, folks, here's what it boils down to: I need three to four playoff packets for the Michigan 1 vs. 1 tournament and since most of the elder statesmen of packet composition shall be playing in this event, I cannot turn to many of the wellsprings of blind packets, or perhaps I can. What I am doing is putting a call out to anyone who is feeling very generous and would like to compose a NAQT Sectionals Level if not slightly harder 28/28 packet within the next two and a half weeks to let us use as a playoff packet. If you could, it would be greatly appreciated. Payment can be negotiated, but it won't be much and it can't be an electronic copy of the packets, due to the nature of the beast. So, young bucks, weathered vets, if you are feeling like you want to get your packet on, and you want to write a packet that will be used by some of the top players in the country, let me know very soon and you will have my eternal gratitude. Also, worth noting, we have about 10 players confirmed so far, with another two or three considering it. If you are interested, let me know, Memorial Day Sunday, Ann Arbor, 10 AM, details upon request. _______________________________________________________ Craig Daniel Barker U.S. History/Secondary Ed Major <cdbarker_at_...> University of Michigan-Ann Arbor "All right now, son, I want you to get a good night's rest. And remember, I could murder you while you sleep. It's easy, son, all you have to do is be quiet and willing to do it. And son, I am *willing* to do it. And, I've got *quiet shoes*. Good night, son. Sleep well. --Dave Foley "Daddy Drank" The Kids in the Hall Visit The Barker Home Office at: <a href=http://www.umich.edu/~cdbarker/ target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~cdbarker/</a> _______________________________________________________
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