Some things I wanted to mention:
I found
it quite amusing that the most common answer for
number 7 was Babe Ruth. I was debating whether to accept
it, but it turned out not to matter: if it would have
been wrong it would have been 3 points (because
according to my rules, wrong answers were max score for
category+1) and if it was right, it would have also been
three points.
One other thing, just in case
anyone thought differently: it's totally acceptable to
research the answers--there's no expectation that you
answer from memory. Feel free to verify answers or
search out information on the subject before answering;
one of the goals of the contest is to increase
breadth of knowledge for the entrants.
I'm having
fun doing these, and I think I'll continue through
the summer. Its sometimes hard to find strict
categories with the right number of potential answers...I
aim to have each category have about as many possible
answers as I expect entrants. If you have a set of good
categories, or one or two that you think would be good
questions, please send them to me and I'll use them in an
upcoming contest.
Jer Smith