<<Yes, but good QB questions don't reward
memorizing. Thankfully, we have moved away from
Prize Winning Years being acceptable clues etc. I can't
speak for the high school level, but good QB questions
make answering questions off list knowledge much more
I would amend Nathan's statement to say that a good
QB question should reward "deep" knowledge of a
subject (e.g., the work of Mme. Curie) more than it does
"surface" knowledge (i.e., her Nobel
However, that should, by no means, imply that "surface"
clues, such as Nobel Prizes, are "bad" or
"unacceptable." At least to me, it means that those clues should
be used, but judiciously, and not, say, at the
beginning of the tossup; in any case, having such a clue so
a question gets answered is preferable to not
having such a clue and seeing the question go dead.