OK, here's my thing on list memorization, I can't frown upon it because I can run off the top of my head who has won every MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL champion sice I was born at least, along with NCAA D-I football and D-I basketball. The scarier thing is, most of my friends, qb and non-qb can too. By the same token as previous posts though, I would never want that knowledge to be the only thing that was rewarded in a Trash tournament. It should be a starter, a way of helping a player narrow down in his or her own mind what they are looking for. If I said 1996 Conn Smythe Trophy winner, I would narrow down that the Avalanche beat the Panthers four straight that year and then go from there. Lists can be the beginning of arriving at an answer, they should not be the end. As for the National Geography Bee, I was and am a fan. I had execptionally supportive parents and friends when I went to states for it in eighth grade. It was something I wanted to do well in because it meant something to me and because I enjoyed it. Like an athlete who plays the sport for the joy of it as well as because they are blessed with talent, I have chosen to pursue quiz bowl for similar reasons. (Not that I am claiming I have any great talent for the game, I just was extending the greater sorting metaphor out). Are there people who put too much pressure on their children (or even children who aren't their own) to succeed? Yes, but it is my hope and belief that they are balanced by the supportive parents and mentors who see the good that comes out of these kinds of events. Remember, you rarely think how good of a job a kid's parents are doing raising him if he or she is stable and as well-adjusted as any teenager can expect to be. Also, did anyone catch the item in this week's SI that FoxSports "The Last Word" host Jim Rome was talking smack about the winner of the SHNSB calling him "l-a-m-e". SI went on to point out "the kid's a two sport non-athlete, having also taken second at the National Geography Bee." CDB Who for one brief moment, wished quiz bowl was among SI's photo gallery honoring NCAA D-I champions in spring sports.
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