WHY YOU SHOULD COME EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT CANADIAN: The modified-ACF Publius Open in Boston is the only other tournament on VETO weekend that has been announced on this club's Calendar or on QB-ANNOUNCE. This may be because it's the same day as the Pickrell-Hart wedding in Virginia. VETO will be softer-core than most summer masters tournaments. If you're looking forward to a long day playing on hard questions against the masters of the game, then VETO is not for you. This is the best time of year to visit British Columbia ( <a href=http://discoverbc.com target=new>http://discoverbc.com</a> ), so why not make VETO a part of your summer holidays? You'll get to meet local people doing one of your favourite activities and learn about Canada at the same time. If VETO 1999 is a good indicator, about 20% of the questions will have some Canadian content. We can add you to an existing team, and if you don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, we're certain you'll find they're really, really nice. The day after VETO, the 34th annual International World Championship Bathtub Race ( <a href=http://bathtub.island.net/history.html target=new>http://bathtub.island.net/history.html</a> ) will be held in Nanaimo. In Vancouver there will be a number of festivals or conventions over several days including July 22, with world-renowned performers in: * comedy, <a href=http://www.comedyfest.com/ target=new>http://www.comedyfest.com/</a> * chamber music, <a href=http://www.vanrecital.com/chamber/ target=new>http://www.vanrecital.com/chamber/</a> * square and round dance, <a href=http://squaredance.bc.ca/conv2000 target=new>http://squaredance.bc.ca/conv2000</a> * clinical pathology, <a href=http://www.ascp.org/programs/education/schedule.asp?id=E1059 target=new>http://www.ascp.org/programs/education/schedule.asp?id=E1059</a> See <a href=http://www.tourism-vancouver.org target=new>http://www.tourism-vancouver.org</a> for more information about Vancouver. CONTACT: If you are interested in participating, please contact Peter McCorquodale at petermc_at_... July 1, 2000, so that we can sort out teams before sending out packets for editing. Updates will be posted on the web page <a href=http://caql.org/events/veto00.html target=new>http://caql.org/events/veto00.html</a> "A lot of Imperialist ladies asked me to tea to meet schoolmasters from New Zealand and editors from Vancouver, and that was the dismalest business of all." - John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps
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