Since it seems the thing to do is just jump in,
here's a new Rare Entries contest, centered on TV and
movies. Rules are as they've been for previous
To enter, give:
1. An American television series
based on a British television series.
2. A movie
with Ben Stein in it.
3. A live (not taped)
anthology series.
4. A "Saturday Night Live" regular who
only lasted one season or less.
5. An alien (AKA a
non-human non-robot) from the "Star Wars" films.
Someone who has played (or voiced) a villain in any
incarnation of "Batman".
7. A film sequel with no apparent
relationship to the original.
K. M. Wilcox
your answers to panatropic_at_.... Entries close at
midnight CDT on June 15.