(Only Yapping for myself here. This message should in no way be construed as anything more than my understanding of the facts and realities of the situation.) Having been a part of this phone-a-friend thing a couple of times now, it is my understanding that having multiple people in the room with you is just fine -- so long as they (the Producers) cannot hear anyone else in the room on the phone call. Thus, put a good written silent system in place and you're all set. Also, IIRC, I remember an interview with WWTBAM producer Michael Davies in an EW last summer that stated that there was nothing wrong with multiple people being on the other end of that call, because they still have to get the right answer to the contestant in 30 seconds and that's not an easy trick, because the more opinions you have, the harder it could become to reach an consensus, and you have shot yourself in the foot. ABC's "Good Morning America" even asked David himself yesterday about who was at the other end of his lifeline, so if the network is asking about it, it would seem kosher to me. Besides, how would WWTBAM? do enforcement on this? If I am in an office at my desk and I am lifelining for someone and the rules is that only you may be in the room, am I disqualified because there are other people around me even though they are just sitting at their own desks minding their own P's and Q's? That's my understanding of the situation, others may have more info. CDB
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