"One way we could do this, although it might be
shooting ourselves in the foot, is that when we go on game
shows and win thousands on dollars, we can mention the
dozens of weekends we spend learning the material that
likely enabled that win.
Of course, then someone
will consider everyone a ringer and the networks will
ban QB players from their shows, reducing all our
aspriations of being millionaires, but increasing publicity
tenfold as the story makes the rounds of the
entertainment news."
The reverse has already happened in
the UK; after the Oriel/Open UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE
debacle of two years ago (they wuz robbed, but I'm
biased...), nobody who's been on a quiz game show can be on
UC (the sole "legit" QB outlet here). Doesn't strike
me as necessarily a good idea. What if it sours the
game's reputation?