As a participant in the team and individual
tournaments in Chicago this past weekend, I thought the
writing and editing were excellent. I don't recall
hearing any unclear questions, and I found the difficulty
level to be pretty consistent within each tournament.
And while I've got no shot at the rap questions
(except maybe the cheesy movies), I found it quite
amusing to hear the other team answer "Back That Ass Up,"
or whatever it was.
As a more general
comment, editors often have a very significant impact on
both the content and quality of the finished packets.
However, I don't recall (at least not always) seeing the
editor's name included on the packet along with that of
the authors. I suppose it's assumed that the TD and
organizers are functioning as editors. Nonetheless, I think
it might be a good idea to make a standard practice
of including the name of the editor(s) on the packet
along with the author, given the amount of impact an
editor can have. Even if the editing is simply credited
to the club running the tournament, I still think
it's a good idea to acknowledge the editing in some
--Raj Dhuwalia