Though I had some difficulties last time, I've decided to take another swing at a Rare Entries contest. This time, instead of just films and TV, I've put in a couple music subjects as well. By this point I think we know the main rules to these things, so I'll just point out a couple of the differences. First, as I did last time, I'll throw out a contestant's highest individual score when tallying the final totals. This means that if nine of your answers are unique and the tenth isn't, you still finish with a 1. Second, since I suspect that part of the reason for low participation in recent contests is the difficulty in finding acceptable answers, I'm offering a page (<a href= target=new></a>) with links to sites that have some. The links don't go straight to lists, but at least you don't have to hunt through twenty or thirty different sites just to find something. And now, the questions: 1. Name a movie with Richard Harris (the one who played Marcus Aurelius in "Gladiator") besides "Gladiator". 2. Give any response Pinky's ever given to Brain's "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" 3. Name an actor or actress whose character was killed in one of the three "Scream" movies. 4. Name an "X-Files" episode (besides the pilot) with the same name as an episode of another series. Please give the episode name and the name of the other series. [Note: The scoring will be based just on the episode title. For example, if two people entered "King of the Hill" (not an XF title) and one matched it with "Cheers" while the other matched it with "Hawaii 5-0", they'd still be counted as giving the same answer.] 5. Name an original song (lyrics and music) by Weird Al Yankovic. 6. Conversely, name a song which was covered by the Beatles either on an album or on "Live at the BBC". 7. Give the subject of any "Sunrise Semester" on SCTV. 8. Name a theatrical feature in which one or more of the Marx Brothers appeared. 9. Name an actor or actress who has been a regular on an American daytime soap opera whose own first name is significantly more unusual than his or her character's. Please give the actor, the character, and the show. [Note: The actor doesn't have to be a current cast member. Also, I'll be fairly lenient on what constitutes "significantly more unusual", but that the name is more unusual at all should not be in doubt.] 10. Name an Academy Award winner for Original Song. Please give the song and the film. Responses must be emailed to panatropic_at_... by Thursday, August 10. K. M. Wilcox I've already emailed my entry to myself. If you want to see it, I'll gladly show you after you've submitted your entry.
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