I thought I'd covered all the bases, but some
questions have come up regarding one of the
> 9. Name an actor or actress who has been a
regular on an American daytime soap opera whose
own first name is significantly more unusual than his
or her character's. Please give the actor,
the character, and the show.
First, as I
stated before, the actor doesn't have to be a current
cast member. Let me go one step further by saying that
the soap doesn't have to be one that's still on the
air. So if you want to use "Another World" or "Sunset
Beach" (which has one of the best answers to this (hint:
the actor was recently on "Opposite Sex")) or even a
show like "Edge of Night" or "Dark Shadows",
Second, if the actor has played more than one role (on
one or more soaps) and people list him with different
parts, it will still count as a match.
<a href=http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~kmwilcox/Bowl/help.html target=new>http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~kmwilcox/Bowl/help.html</a> has helpful links to pages with answers to the
K. M. Wilcox
I figured this would be an easy one
since it just requires looking down a cast list till
one sees an actor's name that jumps out and says,
"Look at me! I'm weird!"