I was going to respond to Josh by saying that
tournament schedules have reached a level of saturation such
that, if you're planning a junior bird-type event, the
best tournament to schedule it against (if no matter
what weekend you choose it to be) would be something
like a Terrapin (at least if it's anything like the
Terrapins I went to, which it may or may not be this year).
Better that than to schedule a tournament against
another nearby junior bird, as nearly happened in the
Mid-Atlantic this year.
But in light of Hopkins'
likely cancellation of their Oct. 14 event, and no
announcements from Princeton or Penn State for the fall (people
who host invitationals most years), that may not be
the case this year, at least in the Mid-Atlantic. The
schedule looks mighty thin for regular competition here
for the fall, since I only see Terrapin and the NAQT
fall events at UVA.