OK, let me just say my piece in all of
My main reason for moving CPC from the October 14th
date to October 21 is because our homecoming weekend
here at BU is the 14th and 15th. When the tourney was
originally planned, I didn't see it as a problem. However,
after getting a blank stare from the gang in BU
Reservations, I made the move.
The 28th is MIT's Beaver
Bonspiel, so that date is gone. The 21st is the best fit
for the event, and I realize that Cornell has their
event already stationed there. It's not a perfect
system, and I apologize to Kenny and everyone at Cornell
for stepping in. I don't think there will be a major
problem for either of us drawing teams. We're pulling
heavily from the Boston-metro area. By not being a
packet-submission event, we're catering more to the new player who
often has weak question writing skills.
As I
said, I know it's not a perfect explanation, and I know
it's not a perfect situation, but I still think both
the Big Red Royal Rumble and Crimson Puppy Chow can
draw quality fields and be successful
Jon Cooch